Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Psychopharmacological Agents by Michael W. Jann (Editor)Thisbook is a comprehensive resource on psychotropic medications, detailing thelatest methods for defining their characteristics, their use in differentpatient populations, and drug-drug interactions; an important collection ofinformation forclinicians, students, researchers, and members of thepharmaceutical industry alike. Thefirst section provides the foundational principles of these drugs. Mathematicalmodeling of parameters that affect their entryto,and exit from, the centralnervous system (CNS) compartment are presented on an individual basis and thenapplied to target populations with specific disease states. Methods andcharacteristics that inform the transfer of these drugs from the laboratorybench to use in patient care are discussed, including imaging techniques,genetics and physiological barriers, such as the blood-brain barrier. The secondsection describes the characteristics of specific agents,nominally arrangedintodifferent therapeutic categories and with reference crossover use indifferent disease states. The pharmacologic characteristics of different drugformulations are explored in the context of their ability to improve patientadherence. The third section focuses on drug-drug interactions.Psychotropic medicationsfrom different categories are frequently prescribed together,or alongsidemedications used to treat comorbid conditions, and the information provided isdirectly relevant to the clinic, as a result. Theclinical application of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of CNS agents hasmade significant progress over the past 50 years and new information is reportedby numerous publications in psychiatry, neurology, and pharmacology.Ourunderstanding of the interrelationship between these medications, receptors,drug transporters, as well as techniques for measurement and monitoring theirinteractions,isfrequently updated. However, with information presented on ahost of different platforms, and in different formats, obtaining the fullpicture can be difficult. This title aims to collate this information into asingle source that can be easily interpreted and applied towards patient careby the clinical practitioner, and act as a reference for all others who have aninterest in psychopharmacological agents.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9783319278834
Publication Date: 2016-03-31
Basic and Applied Pharmacokinetics Self Assessment by John E. MurphyMastery of pharmacokinetics is more important than ever. To exercise the best possible judgment in patient care, medication plans should be selected for the maximum efficacy and safety for each individual patient. Be confident in your approach with ASHP's Basic Applied Pharmacokinetics Self Assessment, a new resource from John E. Murphy, author of ASHP's Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Fifth Edition, which offers questions and exercises with answers and detailed solutions to help gauge your understanding. Whether you are a student, a new pharmacist, or a long-time practitioner, it is essential that you not only acquire and maintain your therapeutic knowledge, but also stay on top of new developments in pharmacokinetics. This is a valuable review book designed to test skills for using equations and the application of pharmacokinetic parameters. It is the perfect book to review content you have learned and practiced, in addition to learning new areas not previously covered in your training. As an added feature, the YouTube channel, Basic Applied Pharmacokinetics Self Assessment Videos, is available as a complementary companion to the book, which includes a library of videos created by John Murphy to help you through the major pain points and help further support your self assessment.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781585284382
Publication Date: 2014-07-30
Basic Pharmacokinetics by Mohsen A. HedayaKnowledge of pharmacokinetics is critical to understanding the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs. It is therefore vital to those engaged in the discovery, development, and preclinical and clinical evaluation of drugs, as well as practitioners involved in the clinical use of drugs. Using different approaches accessible to a wide variety of readers, Basic Pharmacokinetics: Second Edition demonstrates the quantitative pharmacokinetic relations and the interplay between pharmacokinetic parameters. After a basic introduction to pharmacokinetics and its related fields, the book examines: Mathematical operations commonly used in pharmacokinetics Drug distribution and clearance and how they affect the rate of drug elimination after a single dose Factors affecting drug absorption following extravascular drug administration, the rate and extent of drug absorption, and drug bioequivalence The steady-state concept during constant rate intravenous infusion and during multiple drug administration Renal drug elimination, drug metabolism, multicompartment models, nonlinear pharmacokinetics, and drug administration by intermittent intravenous infusion Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling, noncompartmental pharmacokinetic data analysis, clearance concept from the physiological point of view, and physiological modeling Clinical applications of pharmacokinetics, including therapeutic drug monitoring, drug pharmacokinetics in special populations, pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions, pharmacogenomics, and applications of computers in pharmacokinetics Accompanying the book are downloadable resources with self-instructional tutorials and pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic simulations, allowing visualization of concepts for enhanced comprehension. This learning tool received an award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy for innovation in teaching, making it a valuable supplement to this essential text.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781439850756
Publication Date: 2012-02-09
Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulations by Sara E. Rosenbaum (Editor)Updated with new chapters and topics, this book provides a comprehensive description of all essential topics in contemporary pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. It also features interactive computer simulations for students to experiment and observe PK/PD models in action. * Presents the essentials of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a clear and progressive manner * Helps students better appreciate important concepts and gain a greater understanding of the mechanism of action of drugs by reinforcing practical applications in both the book and the computer modules * Features interactive computer simulations, available online through a companion website at: * Adds new chapters on physiologically based pharmacokinetic models, predicting drug-drug interactions, and pharmacogenetics while also strengthening original chapters to better prepare students for more advanced applications * Reviews of the 1st edition: "This is an ideal textbook for those starting out ... and also for use as a reference book ...." (International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics) and "I could recommend Rosenbaum's book for pharmacology students because it is written from a perspective of drug action . . . Overall, this is a well-written introduction to PK/PD .... " (British Toxicology Society Newsletter)
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781119143185
Publication Date: 2017
Blood-Brain Barrier in Drug Discovery: Optimizing Brain Exposure of CNS Drugs and Minimizing Brain Side Effects for Peripheral Drugs by Li Di (Editor); Edward H. Kerns (Editor)Focused on central nervous system (CNS) drug discovery efforts, this book educates drug researchers about the blood-brain barrier (BBB) so they can affect important improvements in one of the most significant - and most challenging - areas of drug discovery. * Written by world experts to provide practical solutions to increase brain penetration or minimize CNS side-effects * Reviews state-of-the-art in silico, in vitro, and in vivo tools to assess brain penetration and advanced CNS drug delivery strategies * Covers BBB physiology, medicinal chemistry design principles, free drug hypothesis for the BBB, and transport mechanisms including passive diffusion, uptake/efflux transporters, and receptor-mediated processes * Highlights the advances in modelling BBB pharmacokinetics and dynamics relationships (PK/PD) and physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) * Discusses case studies of successful CNS and non-CNS drugs, lessons learned and paths to the market
Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics by Robin Southwood; Virginia H. Fleming; Gary HuckabyUnderstanding the science of pharmacokinetics is a challenge for many pharmacy students and practitioners. Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics, now in its 7th edition, has helped thousands by simplifying this essential, but complex, subject to reflect current practice. The 7th edition has been revised by Robin Southwood, PharmD, BC-ADM, CDE; Virginia H. Fleming, PharmD, BCPS; and Gary Huckaby, PharmD; all experts in clinical pharmacy education. Together, they have updated and expanded the text to include the latest information and insights on concepts through extensive use of correlates, figures, and review questions. Inside you will find: 15 easy-to-follow lessons, perfect for a semester Practice quizzes to help chart progress Enhanced discussion of hemodialysis A phenytoin "cheat sheet" to help you through the calculations maze New vancomycin cases based on higher desired vancomycin levels and trough-only dose estimations Expanded information on modified diet in renal disease formula versus Cockcroft-Gault formula methods Factors to consider when choosing a dosing/body weight for various equations Updated clinical correlates, discussion points, references, and questions/answers Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics is the fundamental reference for learning the basic, foundational pharmacokinetics concepts and how to apply them in clinical practice.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781585285914
Publication Date: 2018-11-30
Drug-Induced Liver Disease by Neil Kaplowitz (Editor)This field has shown tremendous growth in recent years, primarily due to the recognition that drug-induced liver disease is the most common cause of liver failure and one of the major contributors to the withdrawal of drugs developed by the pharmaceutical industry. Drug-Induced Liver Disease, 3rd edition is a comprehensive reference that covers mechanisms of injury, diagnosis and management, major hepatotoxins, regulatory perspectives and much more. Written by highly respected authorities, this new edition is an updated and definitive reference for clinicians and scientists in academia, the pharmaceutical industry and government settings. This book contains 4 new chapters on key topics in the area and provides a current and extensive review of the latest developments concerning the toxicology, pharmacology, genetics and immunology of drug-induced liver disease.
Drugs During Pregnancy: Methodological Aspects by Bengt KällénThis book addresses methodological aspects of epidemiological studies on maternal drug use in pregnancy. Discussing the existing sources of error and how they can produce incorrect conclusions, it examines various epidemiological techniques and assesses their strengths and weaknesses. These refer both to the identification of outcomes (with special emphasis on congenital malformations) and to the types of exposure (drug use). Further, the book discusses the problem of confounding and how to handle it, and provides a simple introduction to statistics. Special situations, e.g. different types of parental exposure, are examined. Lastly, the book discusses pharmacovigilance and the information problem, concluding with a short list of aspects to consider when one wants to evaluate a published paper in the field. Though the book is primarily intended for pharmacologists, gynecologists and obstetricians, it will benefit all doctors working in perinatal care.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9783319406978
Publication Date: 2016-08-22
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment by Christof Schaefer (Editor)Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation, Third Edition is a quick and reliable reference for all those working in disciplines related to fertility, pregnancy, lactation, child health and human genetics who prescribe or deliver medicinal products, and to those who evaluate health and safety risks. Each chapter contains twofold information regarding drugs that are appropriate for prescription during pregnancy and an assessment of the risk of a drug when exposure during pregnancy has already occurred. Thoroughly updated with current regulations, references to the latest pharmacological data, and new medicinal products, this edition is a comprehensive resource covering latest knowledge and findings related to drugs during lactation and pregnancy.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780124080782
Publication Date: 2015
Essential Pharmacokinetics: A Primer for Pharmaceutical Scientists by Thorsteinn LoftssonEssential Pharmacokinetics: A Primer for Pharmaceutical Scientists is an introduction to the concepts of pharmacokinetics intended for graduate students and new researchers working in the pharmaceutical sciences. This book describes the mathematics used in the mammillary model as well as the application of pharmacokinetics to pharmaceutical product development, and is useful as both a self-study and classroom resource. Content coverage includes detailed discussions of common models and important pharmacokinetic concepts such as biological half-life, clearance, excretion, multiple dosage regimens and more. Numerous equations, practical examples and figures are incorporated to clearly illustrate the theoretical background of pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs and excipients.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780128014110
Publication Date: 2015-04-01
Medicinal Chemistry of Drugs Affecting the Nervous System by M. O. Faruk (Editor); Ashok E. Philip (Editor)The primary objective of this 4-volume book series is to educate PharmD students on the subject of medicinal chemistry. The book set serves as a reference guide to pharmacists on aspects of the chemical basis of drug action. Medicinal Chemistry of Drugs Affecting the Nervous System is the second volume of the series and it presents 8 chapters focusing on a comprehensive account of drugs affecting the nervous system. The volume informs readers about the medicinal chemistry of relevant drugs, which includes the mechanism of drug action, detail structure activity relationships and metabolism as well as clinical significance of drugs affecting autonomic and central nervous system. Chapters in this volume cover cholinergic drugs, adrenergic drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants, sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics, antiepileptic drugs, anesthetics and antiparkinsonian drugs, respectively. Students and teachers will be able to integrate the knowledge presented in the book and apply medicinal chemistry concepts to understand the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of therapeutic agents in the body. The information offered by the book chapters will give readers a strong neuropharmacology knowledge base required for a practicing pharmacist.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9789811454073
Publication Date: 2020-09-24
Nanotechnology Methods for Neurological Diseases and Brain Tumors: Drug Delivery across the Blood-Brain Barrier by Yasemin Gürsoy Özdemir (Editor)Nanotechnology Methods for Neurological Diseases and Brain Tumors: Drug Delivery across the Blood-Brain Barrier compiles the latest (and future potential) treatment strategies for brain tumors and neurological diseases, in particular Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and stroke, those that bypass the blood/brain barrier. The current understanding of brain drug delivery and access is discussed in Chapter One, with the next section focusing on the implementation of the nose-to-brain intranasal route in brain-targeted drug delivery. In addition, nanotechnology-based brain drug delivery is covered in Chapter Three. This avenue offers impressive improvement in the treatment of neurological diseases and brain tumors by using bio-engineered systems that interact with biological systems at a molecular level. In Chapter Four, emphasis is placed on the need for brain-targeted experimental models that mimic disease conditions. Final chapters discuss the very latest advances in targeted treatment strategies for neurological diseases and brain tumors.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780128037966
Publication Date: 2017-07-17
NICU Primer for Pharmacists by Amy P. HolmesThe stakes are high, time is of the essence and every detail matters - yet neonatal pharmacology often has been a challenging and poorly understood area of pediatrics. Until now. Many pharmacists working in hospital pharmacies today have little or no formal training in neonatology yet they are faced with dispensing medications to this fragile NICU population. NICU Primer for Pharmacists, by Amy P. Holmes, is a unique comprehensive overview of pharmacological treatment and neonatal care puts the information pharmacists, students, and residents need in one place, including strategies for: Selecting the optimal drug at the right dose within hours of recognizing a problem Detecting and correcting product dilutions Overseeing dosing adjustments as patients mature, increase or lose body weight Accommodating for multiple concurrent diseases, dramatic growth, organ maturation and damage and more Maximizing survival without serious long-term damage and neurodevelopmental delays. NICU Primer for Pharmacists puts the information you need in one place, so you can feel more confident making medication decisions for your tiniest patients. If your team cares for neonatal patients, consider this guide your invaluable resource for safe and effective drug therapy.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9781585284757
Publication Date: 2016
Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers Chemical Methods in Penetration Enhancement by Nina Dragicevic (Editor)Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers in a mini-series format comprising five volumes, represents the most comprehensive reference on enhancement methods - both well established and recently introduced - in the field of dermal/transdermal drug delivery. In detail the broad range of both chemical and physical methods used to enhance the skin delivery of drugs is described. All aspects of drug delivery and measurement of penetration are covered and the latest findings are provided on skin structure and function, mathematics in skin permeation and modern analytical techniques adapted to assess and measure penetration. In offering a detailed description of the methods currently in use for penetration enhancement, this book will be of value for researchers, pharmaceutical scientists, practitioners and also students.​
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9783662478615
Publication Date: 2016-01-19
Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism in Drug Design by Dennis A. Smith (Editor)In this new edition of a bestseller, all the contents have been brought upto-date by addressing current standards and best practices in the assessment and prediction of ADMET properties. Although the previous chapter layout has been retained, substantial revisions have been made, with new topics such as pro-drugs, active metabolites and transporters covered in detail in a manner useful to the Drug Discovery scientist. The authors discuss the parameters and processes important for the absorption, distribution and retention of drug compounds in the body, plus the potential problems created by their transformation into toxic byproducts. While aimed at all those dealing professionally with the development and application of pharmaceutical substances, the readily comprehensible style makes this book equally suitable for students of pharmacy and related subjects. Uniquely comprehensive, the book relates physicochemistry and chemical structure to pharmacokinetic properties and ultimately drug efficacy and safety.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9783527645305
Publication Date: 2012-09-13
Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetic Considerations: Volume 2 in Advances in Pharmaceutical Product Development and Research by Rakesh Kumar Tekade (Editor)Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetic Considerations explains the central principles, cutting-edge methodologies, and incipient thought processes applied to toxicology research. As part of the Advances in Pharmaceutical Product Development and Research series, the book provides expert literature on dose, dosage regimen and dose adjustment, medication errors, and approaches for its prevention, the concept of pharmacotherapy, and managed care in clinical interventions. It expounds on strategies to revamp the pharmacokinetics of the drug and the factors affecting the stability of drugs and their metabolites in biological matrices. Finally, the book offers focused elaborations on various bioanalytical methods for bioavailability and bioequivalence assessment and integrates the wide-ranging principles and concepts shared by toxicokinetics and pharmacodynamics as mutual crosstalk rather than isolated observations. It will be helpful to researchers and advanced students working in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, biotechnology, food, and related industries including toxicologists, pharmacists, and pharmacologists.
Call Number: eBook
ISBN: 9780323983679
Publication Date: 2022-02-09
Pharmacokinetics in Everyday Clinical Practice by Federico PeaThis book provides a practical introduction to the main concepts of pharmacokinetics and how they can be applied in clinical settings, without using complicated mathematical equations. Essential information on approaches to drug-dosing and monitoring in special populations, including patients with renal and hepatic diseases and elderly patients, are given. Charts, illustrations and examples of calculations are added to clarify concepts and terminology of pharmacokinetics.