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Using TechCat+: Basics

Lawrence Tech's version of WorldCat Local is a window into resources on campus, on the web, and at other libraries...a great place to start research

TechCat+ Discovery: search LTU and beyond

TechCat is powered by OCLC's WorldCat Discovery.  The content emphasizes LTU holdings.

What IS TechCat+ ?

TechCat+ is a discovery includes books and journal titles, but adds access to ebooks, articles, videos, from about 60 different databases.  You can even add additional databases to search via the "Advanced Search" screen.  These may require you to log into Canvas first to see the results that include those databases.

But remember, although TechCat+ is a great place to start, it doesn't include everything.
Make sure you check our subject library guides in your area of interest to explore even more resources.

Search Tips

To search Lawrence Tech and other libraries, choose "Libraries Worldwide". 

► Lawrence Tech books and articles are always shown first, followed by other libraries' holdings. 

If you only want Lawrence Tech items, check the box for "Lawrence Techological University" in the left box.
► NOTE: if you choose "Lawrence Tech Library" it will only show items in LTU's collection but may miss some items that are online.

Choose "Advanced Search" to add additional databases, to limit by date or item type, and other options.

"Available" means "Available in the Library" and "Access Online" means it is available online.  We recommend you go to the full record to see the online options, as there may be several versions to choose from from that screen..


Limit your search by type, date, author, etc. with the column on the left, similar to most shopping websites. You will do the search first, then limit by:

  • Location   (leave it at Libraries Worldwide to see LTU first)
  • Content   (peer-reviewed?)
  • Format   (books, ebooks, articles, etc.)
  • Databases  (which ones returned results, can limit here to just one of them if desired)
  • Date   (last 5 years or specific dates)

and other options.

► As you type in the search bar, suggestions will on the suggestion if that is what you want

Highly Recommended:

You can add labels to add precision to your search if starting from a plain searchbox:

Add  kw:  or   ti:  or  au:  before your search terms for more precision  ("kw:" searches in more fields)

For an exact title, you can use "ti="  (ti=cover letters)   [similar to "starts with these words, and in this order"]

To make sure the words are adjacent, but anywhere in the title, use ti:"cover letters"

You can combine searches, such as

au:wright AND kw:architecture 

(use capitals for AND, OR, or NOT and you can use parentheses to pinpoint your search.

What's IN TechCat+ ?

What is included in a search in TechCat?

Books, journal titles, ejournals, articles, and other items at Lawrence Tech (these always display FIRST)

Books, journal titles, and other items at other libraries (these always display after LTU items)

♦LIBRARY is actually "Our Library, but most Relevant first" and shows LTU ownership first;

♦BEST MATCH is "Relevance" shows any library and includes things not owned by LTU

All databases in the section below are searched every time:

-Academic Search Complete

-ACM Digital Library
-ASCE books, journals, and proceedings

-ASME Transactions and Proceedings
-Article First

-Biomed Central
-Business Source Compete (limited)
-Ebrary Academic Complete ebooks
-Emerald Journals
-History Reference Center
-Humanities International Complete
-IEEE database
-INFORMS journals
-IOP Science
-Masterfile Complete
-Nexis Uni

-Opposing Viewpoints
-Points of View

-Proquest Psychology
-SAE Papers
-Science Reference Center
-Sage Journals
-Small Business Reference Center
-Springer Journals

Search these Databases Separately databases are searched every time, but you have to click on the boxes along the top to see results:

-Art Index Retrospective (1927--1983)

-Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (1900s--current)

-CINAHL (Nursing journals)

-ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

-Agricola (farming, environment)

-Humanities Index Retrospective (1907 to 1983)

-Applied Science and Technology Index Retrospective (1913 to 1983)

(note: for the "Retrospective" databases, most of the newer citations 1983 forward are already included in TechCat)

These databases stand alone, search them by themselves: find links in our Databases list:

-Engineering Village

-Faulkner (FAITS and Security)

-Hein Online  (some items are linked in TechCat)


