To save or export a list of citations or records to RefWorks you must login to your WorldCat account. (See Accounts tab) Log in to your RefWorks account before searching.
Open Techcat+ and log in to your account. (Upper right) If you don't have a WorldCat account, go to Create Account. This will allow you to add items to a list that you will then be able to export to RefWorks.
Conduct your search.
Add any filters to narrow the list.
Check the box for any items you want to export to RW. Name your llist and save checked items before going to the next page of results.
To export to RW:
- go to the Sign-in box in the upper right
- go to "My Personal Lists"
- click on the list you want to export to RefWorks
- select the "Cite" tab
- choose the citation style (you can also do this in RefWorks)
- check the items you want to export or export all
- click on "Export to RefWorks"
- RefWorks should open in a new window. If it does not, it is likely a popup blocker issue. Look for the "blocked" message near the navigation bar or url address box and allow popups for the site.
If you have any difficulty or questions, be sure to call or email a reference librarian. ( or 248-204-3000.