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Library Policies

Guest user policies apply to all persons who are not: a) current LTU students, faculty or staff, or b) LTU alumni.
All guests must exit the library by 9PM Monday-Thursday for LTU Student Study Hours during Fall and Spring semesters.

Guest Policies:


Guests will be asked to provide a current government-issued ID and a library card from their local or school library to check items out of the LTU Library. Guests will also be asked to provide a working email address and phone number to send reminders to return these items. This data will be recorded and kept in our circulation system and the library may ask to refresh this information occasionally.

The same borrowing policies apply to Guests as they do the current LTU Community except:
a) EBSCO and ProQuest eBooks can not be checked out to Guests,
b) we are unable to request items via Interlibrary Loan or MeL for Guests,
c) Guests may not check out items on the New Book Shelf or Reserve Shelf, and
Guests may borrow up to three (3) items from the LTU Library at a time.
Computer Lab Guest access to the general-use library computers is for the purpose of scholarship only. Prospective students may also use these computers to apply to become students of Lawrence Technological University. Guest access will not be granted to the Mac or Engineering computers.
Database Access Due to restrictions set in the licenses by our database providers, guests can only access our paid databases in the library. If guests require access to a specific article from one of our databases, it can also be requested from us via Interlibrary Loan from their home library.
Library Services The same library services apply to Guests as they do to the current LTU community except for those items superseded here.
Printing Guest printing costs 10 cents/$0.10 per b/w page. At the current time we are only able to accept cash for guest printing.
Reference Service The LTU Librarians are happy to assist you with any reference questions you may have. We do ask that you call or email ahead, as our staffing may not otherwise allow us the requisite amount of time to fully satisfy your reference requests.