Voice of the Shuttle " Its mission has been to provide a structured and briefly annotated guide to online resources that at once respects the established humanities disciplines in their professional organization and points toward the transformation of those disciplines as they interact with the sciences and social sciences and with new digital media."
Internet Pulic Library2: Literary Criticism Reviewed list of links to critical and biographical websites about authors and their work.
Medieval Manuscripts on the Web " The list below is intended to offer quick access to various digitization projects on the web: clicking the project title will take you directly there. Listings are alphabetical by country, then city, and then by originating institution."
Nines (19th Century Literary Scholarship Online) A clearinghouse for scholarship on 19th-c. British and American studies.
Project Gutenberg Contains over 2550 freely available famous and important texts. This includes many literary works. Browse or search for titles and download the text or compressed file from one of many FTP sites.
Virtual Books A collection of digitized books from the British Library.
Jane Austen's Fiction Manuscripts "...gathers together in the virtual space of the web some 1100 pages of fiction written in Jane Austen’s own hand. Through digital reunification, it is now possible to access, read, and compare high quality images of original manuscripts whose material forms are scattered around the world in libraries and private collections. Unlike the famous printed novels, all published in a short span between 1811 and 1818, these manuscripts trace Jane Austen’s development as a writer from childhood to the year of her death; that is, from 1787 (aged 11 or 12) to 1817 (aged 41). Not only do they provide a unique visual record of her imagination from her teenage experiments to her last unfinished writings, these pages represent one of the earliest collections of creative writings in the author’s hand to survive for a British novelist."
Mark Twain Project "...offers innovative technology to more than four decades' worth of archival research by expert editors at the Mark Twain Project."
Walt Whitman Archive From the website: "The Walt Whitman Archive is an electronic research and teaching tool that sets out to make Whitman's vast work, for the first time, easily and conveniently accessible to scholars, students, and general readers....The Archive is directed by Kenneth M. Price (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and Ed Folsom (University of Iowa)."
William Faulkner on the Web From the website: "William Faulkner on the Web is intended as an evolving guide to the life and works of William Faulkner."
Zora Neale Hurston Plays "The Zora Neale Hurston Plays at the Library of Congress present a selection of ten plays written by Hurston (1891-1960), author, anthropologist, and folklorist. Deposited as typescripts in the United States Copyright Office between 1925 and 1944, most of the plays remained unpublished and unproduced until they were rediscovered in the Copyright Deposit Drama Collection in 1997."