The locations where psychology books are shelved in the LTU Library:
BF176-176.5 | Psychological Tests and Testing |
BF180-198.7 | Experimental Psychology |
BF203 | Gestalt Psychology |
BF231-299 | Sensations. Aesthesiology |
BF309-499 | Consciousness. Cognition |
BF501-505 | Motivation |
BF511-593 | Affection. Feeling. Emotion |
BF608-635 | Will. Volition. Choice. Control |
BF636-637 | Applied Psychology |
BF660-685 | Comparative Psychology. Animal and Human Psychology |
BF692-692.5 | Psychology of Sex. Sexual Behavior |
BF697-697.5 | Differential Psychology. Individuality. Self |
BF698-698.5 | Personality |
BF699-711 | Genetic Psychology |
BF712-724.85 | Developmental Psychology |
BF1001-1389 | Parapsychology |
HF5548.7-5548.85 | Industrial Psychology |
HM1001-1281 | Social psychology |
HV6035-6197 | Criminal anthropology |
QP351-495 | Neurophysiology and neuropsychology |
RC321-571 | Neurosciences. Biological Psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry |
RC435-571 | Psychiatry |
RC475-489 | Therapeutics. Psychotherapy |
RC500-510 | Psychoanalysis |
RC512-569.5 | Psychopathology |
RJ499-507 | Child psychiatry |