The Lawrence Technology University (LTU) Library is a member of WorldCat, the world's largest library catalog. You can search WorldCat by entering your search term in the search bar at the top of this page. It will bring back results from the LTU Library and throughout the world. If something is available through the LTU Library, WorldCat will tell you where you can locate it (either by a location name for print items or a red access button for anything the library subscribes to online). For items not owned by the LTU Library, you can request items be sent to you from other libraries by Interlibrary Loan.
If you wish to search for information in more specific, governmental or open source databases, use the list of Information Technology Databases on this page.
Be sure to check out the Subject Searching tab on this site to ensure you are using search terms that are consistently descriptive across databases and libraries.