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COM 2103 Technical Professional Communication: Citations

APA Style

Current Version: APA 7 (as of October 2019)

This citation style is referenced in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association : the official guide to APA style., 7th Edition. If you do not own this manual, the Lawrence Tech Library owns a copy that can be used in the library (it can not be borrowed for outside use).

There are also numerous online resources to assist you with making proper APA citations. The Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) is generally considered the best of these resources. It's APA style section can be reached here.

If you have never used a style guide for citations before, you can contact the Lawrence Tech Library at any time for assistance.


The Lawrence Tech Library provides you with a citation management tool called RefWorks. We strongly advise all students to start a RefWorks account during their first year at LTU. Why?

1. You can import your citations directly from TechCat and Google Scholar.

2. RefWorks can format your bibliographies to be in APA 7 format.

3. RefWorks offers a citation tool called Write-n-Cite which can be installed as an Add-On to Microsoft Word.

4. RefWorks and the LTU Library can offer you support with RefWorks issues. (We can attempt to assist you with other citations tools, of course.)

5. For many of you, this research proposal may be the start to actual research during your time at Lawrence Tech. This online tool can help you to manage the citations of works you may still be using years from now.